Characteristics of Design Thinking in Education

1. Real ideas and authentic problems

2. Ideas improvable

3. Ideas diversity

4. Learner-centred and

5. Knowledge creation or advancement

An iterative and interactive process where designers 
a. See what is there in some representation of problem-  solving concepts/ideas, 
b. Draw relations between ideas to solve the problem, and
c. View what has been draw as informing design efforts.  

Do, E. Y-L., Gross, M. D. (2001). Thinking with diagrams in architectural design. Artificial Intelligence Review, 15, 135–149. doi:10.1023/A:100666152449710.1023/A:1006661524497

Nagai, Y., Noguchi, H. (2003). An experimental study on the design thinking process started from difficult keywords: Modeling the thinking process of creative design. Journal of Engineering Design, 14, 429–437. doi:10.1080/0954482031000160691110.1080/09544820310001606911

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